Saturday, December 4, 2010


Today, I cleaned off the random array of treasures that were squatting on the piano.  The cleaning was necessary to make way for a lovely little Dickensian village.  I can't stop staring at it, so I'm sure that when I go to sleep I'll wake up inside it.  Why yes, I do watch a lot of Twilight Zone!

The kids are excited for Christmas.  Really excited.  Like drive me up the wall excited.  But, they are happy, and that's what counts.

Friday, December 3, 2010

The start of the Dono posts

Hello. My name is Dono. Soooooooo..... I'll tell you abouttttttt what stuff I like!
So here. I'm a Mario Fan! So I like ALL The Mario games.
It's like, you can make YOUR OWN LEVELS of the following games.
SMB3/Super Mario Bros 3
SMW/Super Mario World
SMB2/Super Mario Bros 2
SMB1/Super Mario Bros 1
All of them are SMAS/Super Mario all-stars Styled.

Taking the Leap

So, here I am.  I'm getting started on one of my New Year's resolutions early.  I've been needing to commit the wonderful chaos that I live in to digital paper.  I am going to make myself stick with it this time.  I feel that with the end of the year coming, that I'm finally in the mood to get my shit together!

I have three children.  Arlo will be 11 next month.  Donovan just turned 9, and Iris is very much a 6 year old.  In the coming days/weeks, I will let them introduce themselves, and tell you about what makes them happy, free-thinking, free-living human beings.  They have been unschooled since birth, and have interesting views on life in general.

Gotta run now.  Be good!