Sunday, July 24, 2011


So, how many of you, when you mention to others that your kids are unschooled, are met with derision, silly questions, and maybe even hostility?  It happens.  It can be difficult to convey to those involved in more traditional education that our kids don't just sit around and play video games all day.  Even other homeschoolers don't always understand what it is we do.

My children have never been to school.  My children have never been to church, except to see their cousins perform in holiday programs.  A "normal" classroom is somewhat foreign to them.  They rarely do worksheets, except on occasions when I think an area needs more focus, like math or handwriting.  Yet, they read at levels that surpass many of their public school peers.  They can add up large numbers in their heads.  Their social studies could use some work, but we're getting there.

The trick is finding something they are interested in, and finding ways to incorporate learning with those interests.  For example, all three of my kids are obsessed with Pokemon.  They memorize like no one's business, use math to help level up their particular Pokemon to be the best they can be, and share their pocket monsters amongst themselves and friends.  They use these honed memorization skills in other areas without even noticing.  It's fun to watch!

I'm rambling.  I suppose I should just close right now by reminding everyone to not be discouraged by naysayers.  They are either going to understand, or they won't.  Feel confident that your methods work for you!

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