While unschooling is definitely what we mostly do, this year I've decided to take a slightly different approach. I bought a subscription to ABCteach and have been printing out worksheets like a woman possessed. I'm actually about to run out of paper!
Why are we doing this? Well, I worry that with all their creative activities that the kids are missing out on a few core subjects, like social studies and science. They definitely show interest in these areas, but have yet to really dig in. I've ordered some books from Ebay that should be here by the time our year starts. I'm gonna give it a go, and see if it works!
Our school year officially begins the day after Labor Day. I feel sorry for kids who have to start nearly a month earlier, when it is still too hot to think properly. It seems like their summer gets cut shorter with every passing year, at least in this area. Mine went swimming today, instead of being stuck in a classroom!
I need to get out and buy more folders and whatnot to put all these papers in. One nice thing about this time of year--cheap school supplies!
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